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Chakra Balancing

by Arline Rowden, Reiki Master Teacher & Certified Acupressure Practitioner & Teacher © January 2021 Revised

Over time a lot of people have contacted me saying they would like to have their chakras balanced. I explain that they could schedule a zoom or phone session with me. We could talk about how their life is unfolding what challenges and successes they are having. Then I can do a personalized balancing meditation while sending Reiki to the person. Or they can attend the Exploring Our Chakras Series on zoom.

I go on to explain that just having someone balance their chakras will not give them long lasting benefits. It will last for a while which is great since it gives the person an experience of feeling in balance. If the person has unresolved issues or wounds or faulty beliefs in a chakra that have created an out of balance condition they will not stay in balance by just having a chakra balancing session. It is more complicated than that. Although, experiencing balance is helpful in knowing what is possible.

Often the reason the person is asking for chakra balancing is because they have gone for a psychic or intuitive reading and the reader told them that their chakras were out of balance. Or they have read about it on the internet, Face Book or in a book. An interesting piece of information that many have not encountered is that the chakras are changing moment to moment based on how they are interacting with the energy in the environment. Any reading would just be a snapshot at that time and may or may not be representative of the chakra over time.

The chakras are at the core of our being and each chakra is in charge of a specific area of one's life. There are lessons that we are learning based on each chakra's focus. Our life experience will reflect where we are in learning these lessons. There are balanced characteristics for each chakra. If you evaluate your life based on the balanced characteristics for that chakra, you will discover if that chakra is out of balance. The chakras are important in spiritual development, too.

Once someone knows which chakras are out of balance, and their related issues, they can begin to take action steps to resolve those issues. That may sound simple but we often have resistance to change. It can be helpful to take chakra classes in a small group to receive the benefit of group energy and support.

If you want to read a very good basic chakra book, I would recommend The Sevenfold Journey by Anodea Judith and Selene Vega. It is a classic. It also has yoga and tai chi type movements that can be helpful to your chakras. There are many other great chakra books but Anodea Judith is my favorite chakra author. But trust your intuition when choosing the best book for you. Enjoy your journey exploring your chakras.

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Exploring Our Chakra Classes & sessions are offered by Arline Rowden in Janesville, WI But currently on zoom.
Please email for more info or to register for a class or schedule a session.
Arline Rowden is a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Acupressure practitioner and teacher.